What actually spurred me to get off my behind and start doing this blog was a story I saw in the Boston Globe this past week on BPA...a chemical used in polycarbonate water bottles -- which, at one time, were among the hottest promotional products in our industry.
The other day, this story appeared about a Harvard University study that confirms what some have long suspected: http://tinyurl.com/o3eqh4 .
While personally, I think this whole issue has been blown a little out of proportion, marketers cannot afford to think that way. Polycarbonate bottles were one of the hottest products in our industry, but that's no longer the case. However water bottles in general remain as popular as ever -- and people still like the hard plastic bottles both for their look and their functionality.
So if not polycarbonate, what are your options?
As follows:
1. Bottles made from PETE plastic: They look just like polycarb bottles, have many of the same properties and price wise, they're about the same. PETE is the same plastic used in the soda bottles you buy in the supermarkets. But they have one downside. You cannot wash these in dishwashers because the heated drying in some models will break the bottles down and deform them. Hand wash only. And if someone decides to wash them in their dishwasher and the bottle warps, chances are it gets tossed and with it goes your ad message.
2. Stainless Steel bottles: No chemicals, the same stain and odor resistant qualities as polycarb bottles and a truly desired promotional product. Only negative -- cost. Most of these are in the $8-$10 range.
3. Aluminum bottles: These have become very popular of late -- especially green color ones which are often used in Green/Eco Friendly programs. Cost is generally in the $3-$5 range, very high perceived value because they look like steel bottles. Note that like soda and beer cans, these are treated with chemicals, but so far, no health issues. One of the top selling products in our industry right now.
4. Traditional plastic water bottles: Made from HDPE (high-density polyethylene, these are popular in Green programs because many are made from recycled plastic. They're also the lowest cost bottles available. This is an old standby in the promo products industry that will likely continue to be purchased, used and appreciated for many years to come.
If you're at all confused by this issue, we're here to help. Feel free to contact me and I would be happy to discuss water bottles and BPA with you.