Seville Gear is the best value line in our industry right now. They have some nice quality bags and portfolios at very reasonable prices. And as business partners, they are exceptional. They are one of the easiest suppliers to work with and the support they give Geiger is top notch. Here's the new Weekender bag that they just unveiled.
Here's a different category of bags altogether - Non Woven Polypropylene- which is great for any 'green' program. These come from the supplier Bag Makers, and as you can see they have some cool items. I would expect most of these to be big sellers in the coming weeks & months.
Some nice golf items from Towel Specialties - plus some towels with a cool new imprint technique.
More videos soon!
News, ideas and opinions about the promotional products industry (and marketing in general) from an industry veteran.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Branding and Toyota

Not that it has anything to do with promotional products per se, but just a quick thought on branding as it pertains the Toyota story now in the news. Look at what's happened to the Toyota brand over the couple of weeks that this story has been in the headlines. All the great work that's been done over the years to build that particular brand -- the one that could be described in one word -- Quality.
All out the window now.
Plus you've got an Administration in Washington that is now heavily invested in a couple of its competitors, GM and Chrysler,
This is going to be a fascinating story to follow over the next several months.
Right now, the Toyota brand is in serious trouble.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
2010 New Product Videos - Pt. 2
A few more items that have recently been introduced.....
First, a great knit/polo shirt for uniforming purposes - reason being that it holds up. The price they mention ($13.90) is retail for the shirt with no decoration. This shirt can be embroidered or even screen printed:
Here's a great way for an organization to say 'Thank You' to its donors or contributors:
And finally, a gift item for any company with people who travel - and wear things that need to be dry cleaned. It's also a terrific 'Green' item:
First, a great knit/polo shirt for uniforming purposes - reason being that it holds up. The price they mention ($13.90) is retail for the shirt with no decoration. This shirt can be embroidered or even screen printed:
Here's a great way for an organization to say 'Thank You' to its donors or contributors:
And finally, a gift item for any company with people who travel - and wear things that need to be dry cleaned. It's also a terrific 'Green' item:
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